Data Lab Ideas

Email notification for external user file uploads

Currently, we have a process where internal users can request for external users to come and upload files:

Once file(s) are uploaded by the external user, no notification is sent to the requester. We currently have to rely on the external user to manually notify the internal user so that the internal user knows to go and look for the file.

An enhancement would be for an email notification to be automatically generated to both the internal requester and the external uploader, once the file is in the trusted zone (blue zone) and ready for download.

See below for original R2.7 Preview feedback from Dhanya Narayanan in Australia:

  • "External client upload of data - There is no tracking information on the main screen for the client to know that the requested file has been uploaded. The screen still displays the upload button against the upload request item. This may cause the client to upload the same file multiple times. Also if the user accidently uploaded incorrect file, there is no way of deleting it."

  • "Though upload is complete the client user cannot see the data uploaded and there is no log of files uploaded for external login"

  • Jingshen Zhao
  • Jun 9 2020
  • Accepted for development